Instagram Advertising has Landed: Here are the Keys to Success
It’s been close to three years since Facebook bought Instagram, but advertising opportunities for the world’s largest...
April 14, 2017
What we didn’t tell you about Google Analytics
by Alex Wall We were flattered this week when more than 70 people packed the 7th...
May 5, 2016
How to Turn Unique Visitors into Buyers
Hey there, folks. I'm Alex Wall, and I oversee Roar Media's Internet marketing and web analytics department....
April 21, 2016
Time to seal the deal: Let’s put South Florida’s Tech Community...
See recent Miami Herald My View article below where Roar Media CEO, Jacques Hart shares his perspective...
April 2, 2016
Despite the frenzy around programmatic media buying, very few marketers have...
Despite the frenzy around programmatic media buying and a mobile-dominant climate, very few mobile marketers have actually...
April 2, 2015
2013 In-House Counsel New Media Engagement Survey
2013 In-House Counsel New Media Engagement Survey This report offers ample evidence that social media tools have...
February 4, 2014